Our monthly assessment (dues) are $80.
These payments are due on the 1st of the month and are considered late if not received in the office by the 10th of the month. Article XIII, Section 1, a $10.00 late fee will be assessed to all overdue accounts. Your payment will be credited on the date your payment is received in the office. Please do not back date payments to avoid late fees.
If you are over 60 days late in payment we will enact Article VIII, Section 1, Subsection B suspending your clubhouse access key until the time your account is current. A $25.00 Key Reimbursement fee will be due at that time.
One Clubhouse access key is FREE to the homeowner. An additional key is $10.00. If you lose your clubhouse access key , a $25.00 lost key fee will be due at the time the new key is picked up.
Tenant Key is $100.00.